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Migrate a blog from hexo to docusaurus

· 4 min read


I've been using hexo since 2016, and I love it because it has a lot of plugins and themes. Since 2019. As there are many other Static Site Generators, the advantages of hexo are no longer available. The updates of ecosystem libraries such as theme and plugin development have also decreased.

The stack was theme-dependent: ejs -> njk, less -> sass -> stylus. Crucially, it's a nodejs-based core, so even if I uploaded a troubleshooting, it was a waste of resources.

Docusaurus didn't have algolia search when it was 1-2 alpha. There was a shovel to swizzle and use the local search community plugin to attach it, and Korean did not work normally.

In 2023, version 2 was launched, the frontend stack was unified based on React, and it seemed like it was okay to proceed with this work.




  • hexo puts the date inside the front-matter syntax as date: 2023-01-10 09:00:00.
  • docusaurus should use the nested folder structure.
  • It will parse the in the md file and treat it like /2023/01/10/title in the URL.

Site Verification

  • I put it in the configuration without any problems.
"themeConfig": {
"metadata": [
// ?
"name": "google-site-verification",
"content": "g"

hexo new

  • hexo new post "title" This command creates a post, but I needed a compatible command.
  • I used yarn cmd new title to generate what looks like blog/2023/01/10/title.mdx as of today.
  • For URL normalization, you can use import { slugize } from "hexo-util";.
    • slugify also removes Korean characters.


  • The archive of hexo is Order by Created DESC, while docusaurus is ASC sorted.
  • There was an issue to provide this as a plugin option, but it was closed, and do it yourself was the answer.
  • I created one, overwrote the existing component, rearranged it, and linked it.
"presets": [
"blog": {
// path.resolve needed
"blogArchiveComponent": "./src/component/BlogArchiveDescendingPage.tsx"


  • A docusaurus tag is defined as tags: [tag1, tag2] and must satisfy this format.
  • I asked ChatGPT for a regular expression and replaced it with the whole thing.

github action

  • Set up the target repo and branch.
  • Issue a personal access token and insert the two values appropriately.
  • Run yarn build, yarn deploy and it should work fine.
"organizationName": "gracefullight",
"projectName": "",
"deploymentBranch": "main",
"trailingSlash": true
GIT_USER: ${{ secrets.GIT_USER }}
GIT_PASS: ${{ secrets.GIT_PASS }}

dark only

  • Dark only, also deleted the switch.
"themeConfig": {
"colorMode": {
"defaultMode": "dark",
"disableSwitch": true

code block

  • has a different format, so I replaced it with a regular expression.
# hexo
\`\`\`language title

# docusaurus
\`\`\`language title="title"


  • I don't have time to answer questions about the comment feature.
  • I tried to delete it, but I customized it and integrated gitalk.
  • I requested free indexing because algolia is not an open source documentation, but the ticket status didn't change.
  • I used @easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local, but it doesn't support mobile.
"themes": [
/** @type {import("@easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local").PluginOptions} */
"indexDocs": false,
"blogRouteBasePath": "/",
"hashed": true,
"language": ["en", "ko"]
  • After about a week, algolia replied and the indexing was successfully completed.


  • LGTM
  • I think I need to build typesense first, so it won't be easy.
  • If you don't need to view it on mobile, the above plugin should be enough.