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Git Alias

· 약 1분


branch-name = "!git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"
n = checkout -b
c = checkout
s = status
p = "!git push -u origin $(git branch-name)"
undo = reset HEAD~1


  • branch-name: Retrieves the current branch name using git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD. This alias is particularly useful for the p command, as it automatically includes the current branch name when pushing to the remote repository.
  • n: A shortcut to create a new branch with checkout -b.
  • c: A simplified alias for checkout, used to switch between branches.
  • s: Short for status, displays the current working directory status.
  • p: Pushes the current branch to the remote repository using git push -u origin and automatically includes the branch name.
  • undo: A quick command to undo the last commit by resetting the HEAD pointer to the previous commit.